You have to plan a lot when you are preparing a holiday meal. This includes the menu, the way you set up the table, and the timetable for cooking and serving. You may not have given much thought during the holiday preparation and planning to how to ensure that no one will get sick. You should.
Here are nine tips to keep food safe for consumption:
Thaw food safely – Do not leave food on the counter. Thaw food in the fridge overnight. You can thaw quickly by putting it under running cool water or using the microwave.
Separate raw food – Raw meat should not be mixed with other foods in the fridge and should only be prepared separately. Separate raw meat from other foods with different utensils, knives, cutting boards and containers.
Wash food properly – Rinse fruit and vegetables under running tap water unless they have been pre-washed. Avoid washing meat, poultry or seafood. This can spread germs.
Clean surfaces frequently – Thoroughly wash countertops, cutting boards and utensils with soapy hot water, or put them in the dishwasher.
Keep your hands clean – Wash your hands before and after you prepare food, particularly after handling raw beef. Wash your hands before eating and serving food. It’s fine to use plain soap and water. Just wash your hands for 20 seconds, then dry them with a towel.
Do not reuse – Do not use the same plates or utensils that you used to prepare raw food for cooking. Before reusing a surface that has been touched by raw food, the surface should be washed thoroughly with hot soapy tap water.
Cook your food to the correct temperature – Use a thermometer to ensure that meat is cooked through. Use this chart to determine the minimum temperature for meat.
Maintain foods at the proper temperature– Keep hot foods warm by using a warming dish or chafing tray if they will be out for a long time. Cold foods can be kept cold in the refrigerator or cooler until right before serving, or placed over an ice bath. Foods should be kept out of the danger zone between 40 andF, where bacteria can grow quickly.
Store food quickly– Do not leave perishable foods out at room temp for longer than 2 hours (or 1 hour if the temperature is above 90 orF). Food that is placed in shallow containers will cool more quickly. Refrigerate immediately.